Patterns Library

Currently, the patterns library contains only the patterns ported from the SuperCollider programming language.

List Patterns

  • pfsm - Finite State Machine
  • pindex - pattern that indexes into an array
  • pswitch - embed values in a list according to a pattern of indices
  • pclump - a pattern that takes another pattern and groups its values into arrays
  • pgeom - geometric series pattern
  • place - interlaced embedding of subarrays
  • prand - embed values randomly chosen from a list
  • pseq - sequentially embed values in a list
  • pser - sequentially embed values in a list
  • pseries - arithmetic series pattern
  • pshuf - sequentially embed values in a list in constant, but random order
  • pslide - slide over a list of values and embed them
  • ptuple - combine a list of streams to a stream of lists
  • pwalk - a one-dimensional random walk over a list of values that are embedded
  • pwrand - embed values randomly chosen from a list
  • pxrand - embed values randomly chosen from a list

Random Patterns

  • pbeta - random values that follow a Eulerian Beta Distribution
  • pbrown - brownian motion pattern
  • pcauchy - random values that follow a Cauchy Distribution
  • pexprand - random values that follow a Exponential Distribution
  • pgauss - random values that follow a Gaussian Distribution
  • pgbrown - geometric brownian motion pattern
  • phprand - random values that tend toward hi
  • plprand - random values that tend toward lo
  • pmeanrand - random values that tend toward ((lo + hi) / 2)
  • ppoisson - random values that follow a Poisson Distribution (positive integer values)
  • pwhite - random values with uniform distribution

Repetition Patterns

  • pclutch - sample and hold a pattern
  • pconst - constrain the sum of a value pattern
  • pdup - repeat input stream values
  • pn - repeatedly embed a pattern
  • psubdivide - partition a value into n equal subdivisions

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